Paterson is the biggest city in New Jersey state. In 2010, its population was 146,199. Back in 2013, It had a population density of 17,317 inhabitants per square mile. This made it, officially, the fourth-highest density city of all U.S. cities with 100,000+ populations, after New York City (27,781), San Francisco (17,859), and Jersey City (17,396).
29.5% of households have a female head of the family, with no husband present and 26.2% are singles. 11.4% of the population is aged from 18 to 24, 29.0% from 25 to 44, and 22.9% from 45 to 64. The median age is 32.1 years. The split in gender is close to the middle, but for every 100 women, there are around 93 men, thus a little more women than men.
So there are plenty of singles in Paterson that you can match with only on the best local Paterson dating site. While you’ll find many online dating sites for singles in Paterson, Tendermeets is your best choice.
Tendermeets is by far one of the best dating services in Paterson because it truly caters to the locals. This means that you can find the perfect match nearby. You can meet singles in Paterson and take them on real dates. You can also get relationship advice, not just dates, and they are all conveniently in the same place - the Tendermeets Paterson matchmaking site.